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Next Meeting December 1st

Fall Meeting Information:
Dec 1st 2024 meeting location: 
American Legion on Dunstable Rd

Next meeting is Sunday, Dec 1st. Please remember to renew your membership at that meeting if you have already.

We can now have Classified Ads - check them out!


Important Notice about
Mandatory Bird Testing

Membership is required to sell Birds at meetings.

All Birds are required to be tested for Pullorum-typhoid and Avian Influenza as per MGL Chapter 129 § 1, and MGL Chapter 129 § 26B.


Sellers must have a Certification Card to sell birds. Birds sold without a Certification Card are required to be slaughtered within 72 hours. Contact your state's Department of Agriculture for requirements.


The Commonwealth of Massachusetts offers free blood testing. Click here for more information on the Massachusetts Poultry Program.

Join NEAS Today!

Send your completed form and check made payable to the Northeastern Avicultural Society. Be sure to include an address if not printed on the check.


Members gain access to club meetings, the ability to sell, and a voice in club elections.

Additionally, you will gain access to other club members, and the ability to learn from them and their experiences.

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